Summary and Analysis: The Return of the King Book 6, Chapters 6–10 – Journey Home and the Scouring of the Shire

Summary Eventually, Frodo and his companions decide to return home. Arwen gives Frodo her place on the ships that carry the elves to the Undying Lands beyond Middle-earth, should he find the memory of his journey unbearable. Accompanied by all their friends and the elves of Lothlorien and Rivendell, the […]

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Summary and Analysis: The Return of the King Book 6, Chapters 1–5 – Cirith Ungol to the Return of the King

Summary Sam awakens outside the underground gates of the Tower of Cirith Ungol, makes his way back out of the tunnel, and puts the Ring on again. The lure of power tempts him, but his love for Frodo and his own common sense outweigh the visions of the Ring. He […]

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Summary and Analysis: The Return of the King Book 5, Chapters 6–10 – The Battle of Pelennor Fields to the Black Gate

Summary The Witchking of the Nazgul vanishes from the city gates to meet Theoden’s attack. When Theoden’s horse panics and falls on his rider, only Dernhelm and Merry stay. The Witchking laughs, convinced that no man can kill him, but Dernhelm reveals himself as Eowyn, a woman. Merry strikes at […]

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Summary and Analysis: The Return of the King Book 5, Chapters 1–5 – Minas Tirith and the Siege of Gondor

Summary Gandalf and Pippin ride Shadowfax through the night, pausing only briefly to rest. They are now heading for Minas Tirith, the capital of Gondor, and three days have passed since Pippin looked into the palantir. As they ride, warning beacons call Rohan to aid the city. They enter the […]

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Summary and Analysis: The Two Towers Book 4, Chapters 7–10 – Henneth Annûn to Cirith Ungol

Summary Although still fearful, Faramir does his best to help Frodo and Sam. He gives them food for the journey, as well as good walking staves, and he advises them that the water of Morgul Vale is poisonous. While they continue along the southern road, a stifling brown cloud spreads […]

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Summary and Analysis: The Two Towers Book 4, Chapters 1–6 – Emyn Muil to Henneth Annûn

Summary Frodo and Sam find themselves lost in the rocky hills west of the river. They know Gollum is following, and the hobbits barely manage to capture and bind the wiry creature. Surprisingly, Frodo pities Gollum. Gollum agrees to guide Frodo and Sam to the Black Gate, and he swears […]

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Summary and Analysis: The Two Towers Book 3, Chapters 1–6 – The Falls of Rauros to Edoras

Summary Although Aragorn finds tracks that show Frodo headed downhill, he decides to go to the Seeing Seat rather than follow. Before he can see anything significant, he hears Boromir’s horn and the sound of orcs. Aragorn finds Boromir dying from the wounds of many orc-arrows. Boromir confesses that he […]

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